Sunday, February 17, 2019

February Birthstone - Amethyst Wire Tree Necklace - Sterling Silver

Those with a birthday in February are lucky to have a purple crystal as their birthstone. Amethyst is actually a quartz crystal that happens to be purple! With it's many healing properties, it's no wonder it's a favorite for many reiki practitioners for healing physical ailments such as; PMS, menopause, immune system deficiencies, asthma, diabetes, chronic fatigue, pain relief, arthritis, insomnia, and many others. It's also used to balance the crown chakra. Enough about the amethyst! Lets look at this beautiful tree of life pendant with amethyst embellishments.

The bead chips used in this tree pendant are 100% natural amethyst. The purple color isn't enhanced with purple dyes either. This dark violet color is all natural. So says the source I acquired these beauties from....

All the metal used in this pendant is solid sterling silver. The twisted strands of silver wire where sculpted into a tree of life. Or you could think of it as a bonsai tree, or just a plain old tree.

I try to keep these in stock and make them as they sell. If i'm ever out of them, feel free to contact me to have one made. I can usually have it ready in a day or two. Here is a link to my Etsy store where I see all my wire wrapped jewelry. Most of my wire work is all tree of life.