Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wire Wrapped Shark Tooth Pendant With Crystals

Wire Wrapped Shark Tooth Copper Pendant with Crystals - ©2014 Tim Whetsel - TDWJewelry
Made this steampunk looking copper pendant with a touch of brass. The shark tooth cabochon is handmade by me. Crystals and gems on the side. From top to bottom, peridot, amethyst, and quartz crystal.

Click here to purchase this wire wrapped shark tooth fossil pendant and see my other handmade jewelry.
Peridot is the official birthstone for the month of August and it is also the stone for the Zodiac sign of Libra and Astrological Signs of Leo, Virgo and Scorpio, and Sagittarius. This gem stone vibrates to the numbers 5, 6, and 7. Peridot fosters emotional balance, and helps us heal from past emotional wounds. It clears the path way to the heart and heals damaged egos. Peridot helps you move past the hurt, and understand your relationships. It adds intelligence to your romantic situations, giving you some common sense in affairs of the heart, and protecting you from unnecessary heartache. This Visionary stone brings understanding of destiny and purpose, releases negative vibrations, and promotes clarity and well being. Peridot is also a Money Stone and is said that you can wear it to draw money and opportunity your way. 

Amethyst is identified with the crown chakra and vibrates to the number 3. Astrological sings are Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn. Amethyst is a member of the crystal quartz or silica group, which are the most common minerals on our planet. Amethyst is the stone of the mind that helps bring calmness and clarity when there is anxiety and confusion. You can wear amethyst if you'd like to get in touch with your intuition, your feelings, and/or your values. This stone helps you learn of all things spiritual, mystic and psychic. Amethyst is said to aid in sobriety; alcohol, food, sex, drugs, and other addictions. Helps relieve stress, addictions, and offers protection because it repels more than it attracts.

Quartz crystal is one of earth's most common minerals and the most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone. It is said that quartz crystals were used in Atlantis and Lemuria for rejuvenation. Edgar Cayce spoke about an energy stone in Atlantis. Mr. Cayce's description of the energy stone fits quartz crystal. The Bible mentions many gemstones, including quartz. There is much disagreement on the stones used in the Breastplate of Aaron (Ex. 28). In some translations of the Bible the sixth stone, which is the third stone of the second row is the diamond. Some scholars believe the sixth stone is rock crystal or quartz crystal. The diamond was not used until about 800 B.C.

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